In cooperation with the University of Sulaimani - the College of Administration and Economics held a seminar on "Caring for the Future Generation", which was about reminding the youth of their potential energy and using it to progress in their academic life and education. During the seminar (Dr. Harem Ahmed), (Sana Burhan) and (Muhammad Khalaf) each presented a lecture about the topic, and a large number of college teachers and students attended the seminar.
The Public Speaking talent of (Sana Burhan) an 11-year-old Iranian Refugee girl who lives in the camps in Sulaymaniyah, and (Muhammad Khalaf) an 18-year-old member of the STEP's Mobile Teams Project's Youth Committee, was discovered by the organization's youth committee and STEP deemed this seminar a good opportunity for them to give a speech at the University of Sulaimaniyah.
STEP organization would like to extend special thanks to the Presidency of Sulaimaniyah University, the Deanery of College of Administration and Economics, and esteemed (Dr. Harem Ahmed) who organized the seminar, and thanks to everyone who contributed to making the seminar a success.